We are all in this together and that includes everybody regularly taking a rapid COVID-19 test.
Even if you do not have symptoms you could still have the virus and be spreading it unknowingly. It is quick, easy and free – this is why you should get into the flow of testing.

You could have the virus and not know it – that is true of around one in three people who show no symptoms.
The only way to identify such cases is through rapid COVID-19 tests which we should all get into the habit of using. With vaccines and social distancing, testing is one of the most vital ways of combating the spread of COVID-19.
Rapid COVID-19 tests are easy to use and give results in up to 30 minutes, so those who test positive can self-isolate immediately and avoid passing the virus on to others.
GP Dr Amir Khan, said: “Remember, around one in three people who have coronavirus do not have any symptoms, but could be spreading it to other people without knowing.
“Rapid testing is effective at detecting people who are infectious and helping us find COVID-19 cases that we otherwise would not know about, helping efforts to stop the spread of the virus.

Testing regularly, even when you do not have symptoms means we can keep infection levels low and our country safe.”
It is important to report your result online straight away, whether it is positive, negative or void.
It’s easy to do at gov.uk/reportcovid19-result or by calling 119.
Recording all results helps establish a better understanding of the spread of the virus across the country and it is anonymous.
Scientists use the information to spot patterns and outbreaks more quickly and accurately; helping reduce the risk of future lockdowns.
Get your free, rapid COVID-19 tests at nhs.uk/get-tested or call 119.
Anyone who tests positive should self-isolate immediately and visit nhs.uk/get-tested or call 119 to order a confirmatory PCR test.
Don’t forget you should continue to follow the Hands, Face, Space, Fresh Air rules to further reduce the risk of transmission.

Alex, 29, from Hemel Hempstead, is a removal man for JamVans removals.
He took a COVID-19 test because as part of his job he delivers to hospice charity shops. He had obeyed all the safety rules.
Five weeks ago he tested positive and was sent for a PCR test which was also positive. He immediately self isolated.
“Not throughout the entire time I was isolated did I have any symptoms,” he said. “I almost didn’t believe it when I had the initial test and without it I would 100 per cent have carried on working.
“Imagine if I’d given that to my parents, grandparents, colleagues. If I’m going around the 10 charity shops, I could have been quite a spreader.
“I’m really putting a lot of other people at risk who may not be as young and healthy as I am.
“By having that test it’s potentially saved lives … and almost definitely stopped the spread of COVID-19.”