There is set to be a surprise in store for Penrith gig-goers with tickets to see The League of Ukulele Gentlemen this month.
The fundraising gig for Annie Mawson’s Sunbeams Music Trust – Sunbeams – is taking place on Thursday, May 11.
At the Sunbeams Music Centre, Redhills, Penrith, there is space for about 100 concert-goers, but those without tickets will have to be quick.
The League of Ukulele Gentlemen’s show will include many of their own highly acclaimed compositions, big rock anthems, audience participation, and foot tapping folk numbers, all interlaced with some witty banter.
A spokesman said: “You are guaranteed an evening of top notch music and a lot of fun.
“This concert is particularly special as it is the launch of their new EP Home Now which was recorded at Sunbeams and is produced by the wonderful Pete Ord.”
Lead vocalist Andy Webster, who this week has been playing at a festival in Ibiza, said listeners to the new EP and those at the gig will be able to hear that the band have a slight change of style going on.
Andy, who is based in Carlisle, said they had been going as a quartet for about five years, but have now been joined by Jake Smithies, who is based in
He said: “It is a bit of a refreshed new line-up with new music. It’s going to be a full on concert. It’s going to be good.”
Having previously been known for their tweed suits, top hats and waistcoats, The League of Ukulele Gentleman are relaxing their style a bit. They will still be wearing hats on stage, but not necessarily top hats.
“We are modern day gentlemen, rather than traditional gentleman,” said Andy.
Of the EP being recorded at Sunbeams, Andy said: “It was fantastic. Absolutely top notch, I would highly recommend it (the studio).”
A hundred tickets went on sale, and earlier this week availability was down to just 40. There will be a bar and a raffle and gig-goers will be able to pick up the new CD, too.
“We have played all over Europe. We have played in Czech Republic, Germany, France, Finland as well as all over the UK,” said Andy.
“There is a preconception of what a ukulele sounds like, and people think George Formby, but we are nowhere near that. We do rock stuff and folk
Last week, three of the band, as well as performing, have been running ukulele workshops at the Costa Festival in Ibiza, run by Harmony Voyages. They will also be doing one in Portugal in October.
Of the gig and the special announcement which will be made at it, Andy said: “It’s going to be amazing. We can’t wait. It has been a long time coming. We just want to get the place full and let people hear the new stuff.”
Founded by Cumbria-born harpist and singer, Annie Mawson MBE in 1992, Sunbeams provides community music therapy to children and adults with a wide range of disabilities and complex medical needs, including physical disabilities and severe mental health problems, sensory impairments, emotional and behavioural disturbance and profound multiple disabilities.
A spokeswoman said they deliver to groups at the Sunbeams Music Centre, in outreach venues across Cumbria, and online – promoting inclusivity and equality regardless of age, health conditions, disability.
To book a ticket for the gig, call 01768 892909.