Roadworks will shut a section of the A686 at Hartside Pass next week, council highways bosses said.
The vital route will be shut at the Hartside Hairpin, below the former cafe, between 8.30am and 4pm on Monday, 22 and Tuesday, May 23, with access for emergency vehicles only.
Westmorland and Furness Council is carrying out resurfacing works due to the rapid deterioration of the carriageway which is posing a danger, with the route popular with motorcyclists.
Councillor Peter Thornton, the council’s cabinet member for highways and assets, said: “We need to close the road to carry out these works to ensure safe working for our contractors on a section of the carriageway that includes the hairpin bend.
“The works and the closures will start and end at times to avoid, as far as possible, the peak times for people travelling to and from work and schools.
“We recognise that the closures will still be an inconvenience for some and we apologise for any disruption caused, but these are essential improvements that we are carrying out now to maintain the safety of the road.’’