A Facebook page has been set up as the search continues for two much-loved family dogs, missing since November 4.
A brown border terrier called Bea and white Staffordshire bull terrier Molly, belonging to Heidi Batey were last seen on Thursday, November 4 walking along the road from King’s Meaburn towards Mauld’s Meaburn.
The search continues for the missing pair, and now a Facebook page FIND MOLLY & BEA has been set up to help spread the word.
Animal lovers and walkers have joined the search across a wide area.
There was particular concern after Bonfire Night with people fearing the noise would scare the dogs further into the countryside.
The dogs are microchipped.
Volunteer-run DogLost is also putting out appeals online on behalf of the Batey family.

Carol Jeffreys, a retired kennel owner who is at the forefront of Eden’s canine community and helping with the search, said: “The trouble is, it’s very difficult to do anything until we get a sighting. Until then it’s like searching for a needle in a haystack.
“It’s strange given the close-knit community that nobody has seen anything but I’ve walked around the area and there is a lot of dense woodland and it’s all quite remote.”
She added once a general location has been established, she will be able to rig a trap with food and monitor it with cameras.
Until then the owners are leaving food out for the dogs and clothing with their scent on.
People are also walking their dogs in the area now to try and get a sighting of the missing canines.
There is hope though, according to Carol who said if they have food, water and shelter they will be fine – something she has seen happen before.