Plans have been revealed to build new accommodation at Eden’s Sandford Arms.
The owner of the Sandford Arms, a Grade II listed building dating to the 19th century near Appleby, has submitted a planning application to Eden council to build on part of the garden.
Proposals involve part of the garden to the west of the inn’s kitchen which currently hosts a metal roofed shelter, timber shed raised planters and conifer trees.
The proposal is to build a single-storey residential building on the site, which will be used for either staff live-in accommodation or a holiday let.
In the design and access statement prepared for Eden District Council, the applicant said: “The proposed layout consists of two bedrooms with an open-plan kitchen/dining/living area.
“Off-street parking is to be accessed via the existing entrance serving the property; and a pedestrian gated entrance is to be formed in the boundary wall fronting the road.”
The applicant said that the development would not be detrimental to living conditions in Sandford.
The application said: “In terms of neighbouring amenity, the scale of the proposal, orientation and separation distances between the application site and neighbouring properties means that there would be no material increase in any harm associated with the living conditions of the occupiers of the neighbouring properties.”
It added that benefits to the community revolve around “securing the optimum viable use of the Sandford Arms; the social benefits associated with the continued retention of a community facility; and the economic benefits to the rural economy.”