Ryan Johnson’s funeral will be held this week.
Mr Johnson, aged just 34, collapsed and died while training at Penrith Rugby Club on December 1.
The rugby club said the final arrangements for his funeral were now in place for Friday, December 30.
The cortege will leave the rugby club at 1.15pm and make its way to the crematorium at Temple Sowerby via the A66 with the assistance of police outriders.
The service will take place at about 1.30pm depending on journey time.
The club said: “It is anticipated that a large number of people would like to attend, possibly more than can be accommodated at the crematorium, so in view of this there will be a live streaming of the service to the rugby club for those who choose to attend there instead.
“There is no set plan as to who should attend the crematorium, it is down to personal preference, but there should be an understanding that places inside will be limited.
“Please note that if attending it will be practical to share as many cars as possible as parking is limited to the car park and adjacent field only. No parking will be permitted on the access road.
“After the service and once the family have arrived back at the rugby club the bar will be open and a funeral tea will be available.
“Because of the probable large numbers who will attend, the club requests that where possible, payments are made in cash and you move away from the bar area once you have been served.
An online fund was set up to help support his family, which raised thousands in a few days and currently stands at £58,466. To donate to Ryan’s page, visit https://gofund.me/53285a3e