We are launching our Face of Eden photo competition today, which we hope will inspire photographers across the district and beyond.
The theme is intended to be broad — The Face of Eden could be literally a face or faces which you think sum up this part of Cumbria, or it could be the scenic “face” which for you encapsulates the area’s character; an industrial, workplace or agricultural shot which reflects Eden’s culture or history; or a fresh “face” of tech, working life or youth which you think is the Eden of today. In short, anything goes, as long as the image says something to the viewer about Eden.
The competition will run for four weeks, with a selection of the submissions published over the next several editions for our readers to enjoy.
The closing date for the competition will be Saturday June 26, with 10 shortlisted images — selected by a panel of judges led by Herald photographer Fred Wilson — published in the paper and online on Saturday, July 3.
The winner will be chosen from the shortlist by a reader vote, and will receive a framed copy of their photo, which will also be displayed in the Herald office and featured in the Herald’s 2022 calendar.
The winner will also receive a pair of tickets to ride, day return, between Appleby and Settle or Skipton on the Staycation Express (subject to availability).
“I hope this will be a chance for us to share something of what makes this place so special, as well as enjoying the work of some of the many talented photographers in our community,” said Herald editor Emily Atherton.
“This isn’t just about technically great photographs — although we welcome those too — it will be, I hope, about capturing a feeling or a moment which says something to us about the place in which we live.”
To enter, send a high resolution jpeg image to emilya@cwherald.com along with your name, address and contact details.
Include a few words of explanation about your photograph. Maximum two entries per person.