Tenants and landlords will benefit from a £1 million project to improve homes in Eden.
Eden, South Lakeland and Barrow councils – which will merge to become Westmorland & Furness Council from April – will take part in the pilot to bring privately rented accommodation up to standard.
Eden District Council successfully led a bid to the Government for the scheme, which will use improved guidance, enforcement and testing of new approaches to drive up property standards.
It was among seven areas chosen across the country, as the district has a number of older properties that are difficult to insulate and heat, and a larger than usual proportion of homes are off gas grid.
Around 55 per cent of all Eden homes have no access to mains gas and about 18 per cent of homes in Eden are rented. It is hoped that the funding boost will improve living quality for these tenants, combatting excess cold and its effects on the health and wellbeing of young and old.
The council said it intended to use the initial three-year programme of funding to provide help and support to tenants and landlords, and to use inspection and enforcement where necessary.
A council spokesman said: “Across Cumbria housing officers have a very good reputation for working together, achieving positive results and sharing knowledge.
“Eden District Council’s housing team has already successfully obtained funding and is ongoing in delivering improvements to the energy efficiency of low income households, and we are a partner in the Sustainable Warmth Cumbria scheme.
“The project will run until the end of March 2025, and it is hoped that the findings and learning from it, will be useful to the other areas of the new Westmorland and Furness unitary Council, and further afield.”