A controversial development that will bring at least 12 jobs and a £2.5 million boost to the local economy has been given the green light by council planners.
Eden Council planners have today approved a plan to build 107 new holiday lodges despite concerns being raised by Friends of the Lake District.
The campaign group had argued the development, on land at Whitbarrow Field, Berrier, near Penrith, could impact on views from the national park.
Richard Fox, Eden’s planning services development manager, said it abuts the Lake District national park boundary.
Addresses the concerns of Friends of the Lake District, he said they were “long-distance views”, and the site, when developed, will be viewed against the backdrop of the existing developments in the area.
D. Broadhead, acting as agent for the developer, said the proposal will create at least 12 jobs and boost the local economy with a spend of £2.5 million. He said there was both a need and a demand for this type of holiday accommodation and the scheme would have great economic benefits for the area.
The committee agreed it was a sustainable development and approval was granted.