Get the test and stop the spread! Because one in three of us do not show any symptoms of COVID, but could be passing the virus to loved ones without knowing it, quick and easy regular tests are essential. This is how and why we should all play our part.

Millions of people have already received their first jab with thousands more being vaccinated daily
. But, as the rollout continues and restrictions ease, we still need to be vigilant not only to protect ourselves but help others.
One of the ways we can break transmission is by regular testing. You are more likely to catch the virus from people you spend time with.
The more cases that are found in people with no symptoms, who then follow government self-isolation guidelines, the more chains of transmission can be broken.
Once you have had the vaccine, if you change your behaviour you could still be spreading the virus, keeping the number of cases high and putting others at risk who also need their vaccine but are further down the queue.
Regular, rapid tests are available to parents and support bubbles of school children and those who can’t work from home. Those eligible should get tested twice a week at work, if available, a test site or at home.
Regular, rapid testing is a fast and easy way to find out if you have coronavirus.
Whether negative, positive or even void, you should report the result at or call 119.
Regardless of if you have had the vaccine, it is still important to continue to follow social distancing guidance and wear a face covering. Always remember the simple rules – hands, face, space, air.
To find out if you’re eligible and for more information on how to get a free test, visit

Jo Drake, aged 35, a freelance PR consultant, and her husband Tom, 39, director of an air-conditioning company, from Wilmslow, Cheshire, take rapid COVID-19 tests twice a week to ensure their five-year-old son Ted and two-year-old daughter Zara can go to school and nursery.
“I’d never done a rapid COVID-19 test before but it was easy with clear instructions,” said Jo. “Parents are all taking the tests and I’m glad.
“We each have a role to play in protecting the school.
“If the price of a normal life is doing a quick test twice a week I’m more than happy.”