A raffle to help raise money for a new school minibus has raised £2,000 for Penrith’s Queen Elizabeth Grammar School.
Organised by the Friends of Queen Elizabeth Grammar School (Penrith), the Whirlwind Raffle, held at the end of the summer term, has one prize – an iPad donated by Colin and Emma Aimers, of Kingmoor Consulting Ltd in Carlisle.
More than 500 tickets were sold and the winner was Geraldine Byrne.
She was awarded her prize by Sam Bramwell, secretary of the Friends of QEGS.
Geraldine said: “I was literally taken aback at winning the raffle after entering last minute.
“At first, I thought the email congratulating me was spam, so it was a wonderful surprise which I am very thankful for and thank you to Friends of QEGS for organising. It’s a great start to the summer holidays!“
Kate Saudek, friends chair, said: “It’s been a tricky 18 months for fundraisers everywhere and for those trying to nurture a community spirit at a distance.
“We are hopeful that the next academic year will be back to life before COVID and we are already planning our Christmas Fair.”