A new scheme has been launched to encourage people to plant trees to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022.
The Queen’s Green Canopy project will see thousands of new trees planted, as well supporting activities that will see ancient woodlands and forests protected for the future.
On behalf of the Lord-Lieutenant Claire Hensman, Cumbria County Council will soon contact a range of organisations including schools, community groups and local/parish councils to help promote the new project and encourage the people of Cumbria to become involved.
Mrs Hensman said: “This brilliant new project means that throughout the United Kingdom, people will be encouraged to ‘Plant a Tree for the Jubilee’ through The Queen’s Green Canopy initiative. It will support the planting of a range of trees appropriate to the landscape, right across our county, which will enhance our environment and enrich people’s lives.
“Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals. Not only are they beautiful and uplifting for us to see but they also produce oxygen for the air we breathe.
“I am looking forward to seeing how the people of our county get behind this fantastic new project.”
The countdown to planting begins now, giving people time to plan their planting projects ready for October when the tree planting season begins.
From October, all planting projects across the UK will be uploaded onto an interactive map on the new Queens Garden Canopy website.
Full details about the project can be found at www.queensgreencanopy.org