Penrith man caught with blades in the street after an apparent disturbance inside an Ambleside flat has been spared prison but told by a judge: “When knives are involved, people get injured and people die.”
Antonio Da Silva, 38, of Brunswick Road and 22-year-old William Lee Metcalfe, of Blackburn, found themselves in the Carlisle Crown Court dock today after incidents in the early hours of July 14 last year.
Police were called after a domestic dispute inside Da Silva’s flat spilled out into the street.
An argument was heard by neighbours and video footage captured Da Silva making threats, reportedly saying: “I am going to cut you.”
He had a wound to his index finger and “significant amounts of blood” were found in the flat.
However, prosecutor David Traynor told the judge, Recorder Richard Archer: “There is little material for the court to determine who is in the right and who is in the wrong in the flat.”
Both Da Silva and Metcalfe were seen in the street with a knife apiece, which they dropped, respectively, when ordered by police. Both had been drinking and both said they had the items for self-protection.
Da Silva, now of Brunswick Road, and Metcalfe, of Morley Avenue, Blackburn, each admitted illegal possession of a bladed article in a public place during a magistrates’ court hearing last month.
They were sentenced today. Recorder Archer admitted he was close to sending both men to prison. But after noting the pair had begun to rehabilitate themselves, hearing of their employment prospects and of difficulties in their respective personal lives he suspended eight-month jail terms for 18 months and imposed unpaid work.
In light of Da Silva’s previous convictions — and a caution for offensive weapon possession aged 16 — the judge also gave him a rehabilitation requirement and four-month nighttime curfew.
“When knives are involved, people get injured and people die,” said Recorder Archer. “That is why the courts are required to take a very, very tough stance indeed with those who arm themselves with blades in the street, whatever the circumstances.”