The go-ahead has been given for the change of use and refurbishment of former student accommodation at Newton Rigg to become a hotel.
Leo Sawrij Limited has been granted planning permission for change of use of four buildings on the former Newton Rigg College campus, Newton Road, Penrith — Bessey, Bessey Annexe, Herdman and Capstick.
Each of the buildings provided residential accommodation for the students attending the college and the proposal is to upgrade these and refurbish the buildings to provide hotel style bedrooms in two of the buildings (Bessey and Herdman) and apartment hotel style rooms in the other two (Bessey Annexe and Capstick).
A statement accompanying the planning application, says: “As well as altering the layouts, the refurbishment will improve the fabric of the buildings with insulation works being carried out as well as replacement of windows and doors. It is intended that the accommodation will be flexible in use and will be used by a variety of users including the temporary workforce associated with the various infrastructure projects about to start in the area.”
The existing buildings housed 77 students and the proposed refurbishment will result in 57 en suite guest bedrooms which will include apartments. The statement adds that the accommodation would be for a wide range of users, including apprentices and other visitors attending the new Viberoptix Academy at Newton Rigg which provides skills training and career opportunities in the fast-growing gigabit fibre optic business sector.
Kieran Martin, operations director at Viberoptix, said that an obstacle they had encountered to their growing business was a lack of available overnight accommodation in the local area.
“Further accommodation availability will allow Viberoptix to continue to grow and bring more people to Penrith, in turn aiding the local economy,” he said.
A spokesman for Leo Sawrij Limited said: “We have always been committed to making the necessary investment in the Newton Rigg campus and the approval to convert the college’s dormitories into hotel accommodation and short-term lets brings us closer to realising the vision of a business and hospitality hub here in Penrith.
“The hotel accommodation is intended to be flexible and meet the needs of a variety of users including business travellers, tourists, contractors working on the Omega Proteins, Newton Rigg or Viberoptix site and temporary workers associated with the various infrastructure projects coming up in the area. We have already received a high volume of inquiries for the rooms, which shows that the demand is already there.
“We anticipate that our continued investment in the site will make a positive contribution to the region and increase Penrith’s attractiveness as a place to visit and do business. This in turn will encourage local investment and progress, contributing to long-term growth and prosperity in the community.”