Women who gave birth in January and February are being asked to give their feedback to north Cumbria’s health trust.
North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust is inviting women to share their views about the care they received.
As part of a national Care Quality Commission survey to improve experiences of maternity care, women who gave birth in north Cumbria at the beginning of the year may be sent a letter to take part in the survey next month and May.
Amanda Kennet, associate director of midwifery and gynaecology, said: “It is very important for us to find out what women think of the maternity care they have received, so we can make improvements for all new mothers and babies.
“If you fill out the questionnaire, your answers will be put together with the answers of other mothers to provide results for the trust. This will be kept confidential by the researchers. Nobody will be able to identify you in any results that are published and the trust will not know who has taken part.
“The survey will include questions on your experience of giving birth, antenatal care, and postnatal care.”
If you are invited to take part, researchers will get in touch with you about the survey. However, taking part in the survey is voluntary and all answers are confidential. If you complete the survey, your name and full address will never be linked to your responses.
Taking part in this survey is voluntary. If people do not wish to take part, it will not affect the care they receive from the NHS. People can decide not to take part, or decline to answer some questions without giving a reason.