Annual General Meeting of Kirkoswald Parish Council held at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 4th May 2021. This was followed immediately by the Ordinary Monthly Meeting. These meetings took place virtually due to Covid 19 restrictions
Present: Mrs S Quinn (Chair), Mr N Jackson, Mrs J Tea (Vice-Chair), Mrs I Henderson, Mr J Haugh, Mr R Cranston, Mrs W Smith, Mr A Jackson & Mrs R Lytollis (Clerk). Mr J R Raine submitted a report prior to the meeting but was unable to join due to technical problems.
Draft Minutes
Annual General Meeting
1. Apologies: County Cllr Driver, District Cllr Robinson, Mr N Edmundson, Mr J R Raine & Mr J Little
2. Election of Chairman for Council Year 2021/22 (and to note that due to Covid-19 restrictions in May 2020, the Chairman had remained unchanged in 2020/21)
- Mrs S Quinn remained as Chair for the year 2020/21
- Mrs S Quinn was elected as Chair for the year 2021/22. Mrs Quinn said that she only wished to remain as Chair until the broadband scheme has progressed further.
3. Election of Vice-Chair for Council Year 2021/22 (and to note that due to Covid-19 restrictions in May 2020, the Chairman remained unchanged in 2020/21)
- Mrs J Tea remained as Vice-Chair for the year 2020/21
- Mrs J Tea was elected as Vice-Chair for the year 2021/22. Mrs J Tea said that she only wished to remain as Vice-Chair for this year.
Ordinary Monthly Meeting
1. Parish Plan: Mrs S Quinn asked councillors for suggestions as to what should be on the included in the parish plan i.e. what will be relevant over the next 5 year. It was agreed to review the existing plan and put together a questionnaire. It was agreed the councillors submit ideas and Mrs J Tea agreed to collate them.
2. Pilgrimage visiting the parish: Councillors agreed that it was a lovely idea. Mr N Jackson agreed to confirm whether the Cricket Club toilets could be used. It was agreed that the Clerk send a reply to the organisers saying that they are welcome and that we will make proper arrangements for them to stay.
3. Date and venue of the next meeting: 7.30 pm on Tuesday 8th June 2021 in Kirkoswald Church Institute (T.B.C.- see agenda)