An Alston residential care home is set to house an emergency standby generator with associated oil tank as part of a scheme to enable it to be better equipped in the event of harsh weather.
Cumbria County Council was given the go-ahead for the generator scheme at Grisedale Croft at a meeting of its development control and regulation committee.
A report to councillors said the standby generator and oil tank would sit within a new fenced compound with landscaping, in the grounds of the residential home.
“This application proposal has arisen as the operation of this important community facility serving this relatively remotely located settlement (and its hinterland) has been adversely affected by increasingly frequent extreme weather events in recent years,” the report said.
It is proposed to build wooden fencing around the compound for added security.
The fencing will measure 1.5m in height and be painted green. A mixed hedgerow comprising of beech, hawthorn and blackthorn will be planted around the compound fencing.
An existing beech hedgerow along the boundary would be retained in full, while the dispersed shrub planting in this area was proposed to be replanted elsewhere in the garden grounds, the meeting was told.