The future of Alston Moor Producers Market is in doubt after the group which runs it is due to come to an end.
Last night, Alston Moor Business Association (AMBA) held an extraordinary general meeting at which the committee and members voted to dissolve the association with effect from 31st December.
A spokesman for the AMBA committee said: “In accordance with the terms of AMBA’s constitution the committee is charged with distributing the organisations funds and assets to similar ‘not for profit’ organisations and groups that operate for community benefit.
“Should no suitable local recipients be identified assets will be passed over the Eden District Council for onward allocation.
“AMBA owns all of the equipment that has been used by the Alston Moor Producers Market. Application to take over ownership this equipment (and ideally the running of the market or similar project / activity) are welcomed.”
Expressions of interest for this should be submitted via email or through contact with a committee member no later than November 30 2022.
The association will look to distribute its’ cash reserve by way of grant payments to local groups and organisations. Details of how to apply for grant funding will follow in the near future.
Interested parties can notify AMBA of their interest by email at alstonmoorcumbria@gmail.com