Westmorland and Furness Council has defended its decision to install new steps in Penrith’s cemetery.
The steps have been criticised by visitors to the Beacon Edge burial ground, who say their installation has created a real mess and that they look out of place.
One of those objecting to the move is Paula Thompson, who said: “This is how our cemetery is going to look in the future, with row after row of steps between our loved ones’ graves.
“I am horrified by this and would like to do what I can to preserve the beauty of our cemetery as it is now and stop this scheme to slab the newer burial areas.
“This is not in keeping with the style and beauty of our cemetery.”
According to a council official, however, the steps are, in fact, a continuous foundation for the erection of memorials and headstones to support expansion into other areas of the cemetery.
The official said: “This is a recognised system of grave management employed across many local authorities and involves concrete and concrete pavers being inserted below the surface.
“This provides a stable foundation and significantly reduces the likelihood of grave stones moving, which can cause much upset for the families concerned.
“The slabs will darken over time and become covered in moss and lichen. This will soften the appearance of the slabs as they bed into the grassed area.
“In order to speed up this process the council will also be laying turf over the affected areas to improve their appearance. Eventually, these areas will also be covered by grave stones.”
The official added that, having received feedback from local residents, the council recognised that more should have done to keep them informed of the planned works.