Primary care teams across north Cumbria will be holding additional clinics to vaccinate their patients.
Sessions are being held across north Cumbria this weekend staffed by the teams running your family doctors’ surgeries.
Staff from practices and vaccine hubs will be calling patients, and inviting them to book in for their vaccination, so keep an eye out for calls and texts.
Ed Tallis, director of primary care for NHS North Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “Our primary care teams have been delivering the vaccine throughout the last year and have worked really hard this week to increase their capacity.
“If you are called and offered a slot this weekend with your practice please accept it.
“If you have a booking through the National Booking System and head to one of our primary care clinics please make sure you cancel it so your appointment can be offered to someone else.”
Your GP practice may have more guidance on their website or on their social media – but please do not call your practice about the vaccine clinics unless invited to.
- Everyone over the age of 18 is eligible for the booster so long as your second jab was three months ago (91 days).
If you have not had your first vaccine or your second, you are advised to take up the offer of a vaccine.
You can also book a slot at a pharmacy site for the vaccine through the National Booking System.