A redundant bunk house on the outskirts of Ravenstonedale, which many years ago was a school, could be turned into a three-bedroom home.
The Tunstall family has applied to the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority for permission to make the changes to Fell End Bunk House.
The property is three-and-a-half miles from Ravenstonedale, off the A683 between Sedbergh and the A685.
Formerly Fell End School and built in 1874, it faced successive threats of closure down the years.
It is believed to have closed as a school in the late 1940s.

In 1971, it was bought for £100 by a Kendal-based special school which had plans to run it as a field study centre or adventure base camp, according to extensive historical documents submitted with the application.
Around the year 2000, it was bought by the Bendrigg Trust, a residential centre for people with special needs and disabilities, based at Old Hutton, near Kendal.
The changes proposed would include an extension to the ground floor and a new treatment plant to replace an existing shared septic tank.
Barbara Hartley, of Garsdale Design Ltd, submitted the application.
She wrote: “Fell End School House is 150 years old and both internally and externally it has changed significantly over time.”
Ravenstonedale Parish Council is a consultee in the matter and a decision from the YDNPA is expected by 7th December.