A two-week campaign has been launched to help motorbikers and cyclists stay safe on the roads.
Cumbria police’s 2 Wheel campaign, led by the National Police Chiefs Council, begins today and enforcement will be carried out in the second week.
The campaign aims to raise awareness and educate road users and riders generally on how to improve driver/rider behaviour, which in turn reduces the number of fatal and serious collisions.
During the campaign officers will be looking to educate and enforce those putting others at risk.
Advice for drivers
- Ensure you give space, the recommended safe passing distance is 1.5m.
- Only overtake when its safe to do so.
- At junctions or when undertaking a manoeuvre, think bike.
Advice for those on two wheels
- Ensure your bike or motorcycle is road worthy, check your light, tyres, reflectors and brakes.
- Be seen, make sure your wearing bright clothing and protective clothing.
- Take care when on the road, give timely and clear signals and look out for other drivers who might not have seen you.
- Motorcyclists take care when overtaking and on country roads.
- Ride to the weather conditions, slow down and stay safe.
On Saturday April 17 and Sunday April 18, officers from the mobile support group will be in the area of Hartside and Devils Bridge engaging with drivers, motorcyclists and cyclists on making sure they are taking steps to keep themselves and others safe.
Temporary Inspector Steve Vickers, from Cumbria police’s mobile support group, said: “Motorcyclists and pedal cyclists are some of the most vulnerable on our roads, and it’s important that all road users take steps to reduce the danger to themselves and others.
“Those on two wheels must also consider their own safety and making sure they are wearing the right equipment.
“All road users should take care and recognise those that are more vulnerable on our roads.
“It’s important that we all educate ourselves to help reduce the tragic consequences that can happen.”