Time is of the essence to make your voice heard about the future of Newton Rigg.
We only have three days to make national decision makers sit up and take notice.
The agricultural college has a long and proud history – but all that is set to come to an end as its operators are determined to pull out of the county and close the campus, near Penrith.
On Tuesday, MPs will quiz the bosses of Newton Rigg about their decision to close the campus.
Let’s make the next three days all about Newton Rigg.
More than 1,000 people have already signed our petition and we’ve distributed posters across the district for you to join the campaign.
We want you to send us photos and videos of you with the poster and we will post them on our websites and across social media, using the hashtag #saveNewtonRigg
If you haven’t got a poster – also available to cut out from this week’s Cumberland & Westmorland Herald on page two – we’d love to see your own versions of it too!
Email nicoler@barrnonmedia.com
We need you to help us get Newton Rigg to the top of the national agenda.
Sign the petition, ask your friends and family to sign it, share it, display a poster, make your own poster.
Tell MPs and college bosses there is no other option – we must #SaveNewtonRigg