This year’s Cumberland Show has been postponed.
Due to be held on June 12, organisers said it would not be possible to hold the event, in Carlisle, despite the Government’s recent announcement regarding the proposed easing of restrictions in late June.
The show is now in its 183rd year.
A statement said: “We are continuing to review our options regarding the possibility of holding an alternative event later in the year, but this will depend on the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions.
“The agricultural industry like many others has been deeply affected by the pandemic and a show would be an excellent opportunity to bring the whole community together again at some point.”
Michael Nicholson, show chairman, said: “It has been a challenging time for the society and we continue to closely monitor the situation, but with the continuation of restrictions we have no choice but to postpone our show.
“If possible, we hope to hold an alternative later in the season. This event may take the form of a smaller scale show, or may need to be restricted to horses only.
“At this early stage we cannot give any firm dates or assurances, but the committee are working hard to find a solution that would enable us to hold an event which would take us forward and let us plan for the future.
“Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.”