Eden District Council is pleased to announce that the next phase in the development of ‘My Account’ has been completed with the launch of the Revenues and Benefits self-service portal.
‘My Account’ is the new way to manage a range of council services, contact the council and check information.
The new ‘My Account’ portal allows residents and businesses to access council services 24/7, at a time that is convenient for you.
The launch of the Revenues and Benefits self-service portal means that customers using ‘My Account’ are now be able to manage a range of new services from their accounts, including signing-up for environmentally friendly paperless e-billing.
What can I use ‘My Account’ for?
After signing up for ‘My Account’, you will be able to see useful details about the area you live and the services you use.
You will also be able to securely access a range of council services, including:
- Missed bin collections
- Graffiti
- Dog fouling
- Fly-tipping
- Littering
- Full drop-off recycling bins
- Full or damaged litter bins
- Abandoned vehicles
Apply for:
- Assisted bin collection
- Waste collection
- New bins/recycling boxes and bags
- Paperless billing (e-billing)
- COVID business support grants
- Council tax details
- Business rates details
- Housing benefit details
New features continue to be added to ‘My Account’, so that Eden’s residents and businesses can manage more of the services they use online.
How to get started
Registering for ‘My Account’ is easy and takes just a couple of minutes – all you need is an email address.
Just go to www.eden.gov.uk/my-account and click the ‘My Account’ icon.
Once you’ve set up your ‘My Account’, you’ll be able to add the services you want to access and apply for paperless e-billing for services like Council Tax.
Just add Council Tax to your ‘My Account’ services and be ready to enter your Council Tax reference number.
You’ll also need to enter some information about your Council Tax account, such as your surname, postcode, or your payment details.
Once your Council Tax account has been added and verified, you can request paperless e-billing to ensure you receive all future correspondence directly into your inbox.