Town councillors are objecting to the building of an 115-home Penrith estate.
Barratt Homes is seeking planning approval for the scheme on land south of Carleton Road, but Penrith town councillors feel that the number of houses proposed for the site is still too high.
Previously, an application was submitted by the developer to Eden Council seeking approval to build 128 houses on the site, but Scott Jackson, chairman of Penrith Town Council’s planning committee, said the proposed 115 houses was still far above the 86 homes which had been earmarked for the site within the Eden Local Plan.
The increase from 86 to 115 represents a 34 per cent rise, which concerns the town council as it increases the density of the development.
Mr Jackson added that town councillors were also concerned that no affordable housing partner had yet been identified and that the play and recreation offer was still very lacking, notwithstanding the addition of some green space in the centre of the development.
A mix of two, three and four bedroom houses is proposed – with 30 per cent of the total set to be affordable units – of which 50 per cent would be shared ownership and 50 per cent affordable rent.
Chartered town planner Harry Tonge, in a letter accompanying the application, states: “Overall, the amended scheme addresses concerns that were raised in relation to the original submission.
“The development will deliver high quality and well designed housing on a site that is allocated in the development plan.
“The applicant has assessed comments made and believes that the amendments to the scheme provide a solution that the local planning authority should support as it is consistent with relevant policies.”