NHS staff from across the county have stepped up to be part of a local campaign urging Cumbrians to keep going in the fight against coronavirus.
Staff from North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, NHS North Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Morecambe Bay Clinical Commissioning Group are the newest faces of the Keep Going campaign which is urging people to keep following the COVID-19 restrictions so we can keep infection rates going down.
The staff feature in a range of images and videos that will be shared across local social media channels in the coming days.
One of them is Paul Carruthers, clinical lead for patient flow at NCIC.
He said: “The public’s support has meant so much through all this. We’re nearly there and we just need people to keep going and follow the guidance for a while longer.
“If we all work together we will beat this virus and that’s why I was happy to be part of this campaign.
Another features Dr Sarah Arun, Barrow GP and clinical director of Barrow and Millom Primary Care Network. She said:
“Everyone is tired of COVID-19 and the restrictions it has brought. With the public’s support we’ve made huge progress and it would be awful if infection rates started to rise again, we just need to keep going for a while longer to get it over the line.”
The Cumbria Local Resilience Forum said numbers of patients being treated for COVID-19 across Cumbria were slowly decreasing as the infection rate drops.
It added: “As the weather improves and spring arrives the temptation is to relax, but now as much as ever everyone needs to remain vigilant so we do not see them rise again and we can get through this sooner.
“The public can support the Keep Going campaign by sharing content they see on social media and by continuing to wash hands, use face coverings and make space to prevent COVID-19 from spreading.”