Visiting restrictions have been put in place at three Penrith care homes as they deal with coronavirus outbreaks.
HC-One has restricted visiting at its Cold Springs Park, Winters Park and Croft Avenue care homes to only essential visitors for the next two weeks after a small number of residents and staff have tested positive for COVID-19.
Essential visitors are those who are part of a care home’s PCR testing regime and those who have been allocated as an Essential Care Giver.
A HC-One spokesman said: “Caring for our residents and supporting our colleagues is at the heart of what we do and the past 22 months have been an exceptionally difficult time. Throughout the pandemic, we have worked tirelessly to protect our residents and colleagues.
“A small number of residents and colleagues at Cold Springs Park, Winters Park and Croft Avenue have tested positive for COVID-19. In line with the latest public health guidance, visiting at the three homes is currently restricted to essential visitors only. Visiting restrictions at each home will be lifted 14 days after each home records their last positive result.
“We are encouraging all of our residents and their loved ones to nominate a named Essential Care Giver. In line with national Government guidance, Essential Care Givers are able to visit as often as they like without restriction.
“HC-One is committed to keeping all of our residents and colleagues as safe, well and connected as possible during this challenging time for the care sector.”