A popular Eden inn is on the market for £699,950 after its landlords have decided to call time on their hospitality career.
The Black Swan Inn at Culgaith has been run by Stephen and Jacqueline Harvey since 2016 but now the couple have decided to retire after spending 45 years in the hospitality industry.
Stephen and Jacqueline moved to Penrith in 1987 to help run the family-owned Brantwood Hotel at Stainton. They said the running of the hotel was their prime passion for the next 20 years until their mum and dad retired in 2007.
Having taken the reins at the Black Swan in 2016, Stephen and Jacqueline have decided that it’s time to call time on their career serving the locals and tourists of Cumbria and take some time to explore the countryside that has been their home for the last 35 years.
Stephen said: “I feel my body is telling me it’s time to retire. Seven days a week of early starts and late finishes, as well as lugging beer barrels has taken its toll!
“With guests frequently reminding us how lucky we are to live in this part of the country, we would like to spend time exploring everything we have been missing.”
The 17th century inn boasts seven en suite bedrooms as well as a restaurant and bar.
It is being marketed by Charles Louis Commercial Agents.