Plans have been lodged to convert a former village primary school into a home.
The application asks for minimal changes to St Cuthbert’s Church of England Primary School on Church Lane, Great Salkeld, to create a “family home while maintaining as much of the character and structure as possible”.
Locally known as the Old School, the structure has been identified in the Great Salkeld Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan.
Shaw and Jagger Architects said: “Unfortunately the building is no longer operational as a school as there is not the demand.
“The village already has a good number of facilities and so the next most appropriate alternative is to change the use to a single residential property.
“Retaining as one single property is the most appropriate alternative. Further considerations include ensuring the building is altered as minimally as possible to avoid harm to the heritage asset.”
The biggest change, if plans are approved, would be to the rear of the school building. The later additions, including the garage will be removed. A new boot room and garage with patio will be created in the conversion.
Supporting statements included in the application to Eden District Council said: “By using modern materials it provides the opportunity to include a patio whilst still being sensitive to the church. The wall to the rear is high level and therefore visual impact within the setting is minor.”
A car parking space will be created in the new layout and the staircase will be relocated from current headmaster’s house to the west.