Queen Elizabeth Grammar School’s new headteacher has outlined a revised admissions policy which offers greater priority to children in its catchment area.
Founded in 1564, QEGS in Penrith is a selective school with an entrance test. The top ranked 160 children were awarded a place at the school regardless of location.
The most significant policy change proposed sees a move away from an admissions process based purely on rank order and introduces a set of oversubscription criteria.
Headteacher David Marchant said: “As a highly academic and selective school, we have always sought to offer places to the most able children who apply for a place.
“However, we are also a community school and we feel it is important that our admissions policy reflects this to offer greater priority to children in our catchment area, as well as our aspiration to promote social mobility and therefore prioritise children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
“QEGS has always attracted children from beyond our designated catchment area and we will continue to welcome those children with this revised policy.”
The admissions policy will now be the subject of a six-week consultation process.