Plans have been lodged for the reconfiguration and extension of Tebay’s motorway services.
Westmorland Family Group Ltd has requested screening opinions from Westmorland and Furness Council to determine if the proposed reconfiguration and extension of Tebay’s northbound and southbound services require environmental impact assessments.
The firm also wants to erect a solar farm to support the increasing electrical needs of the service station.
Planning documents say the proposed development will improve operation and experience at the service station.
According to the environmental impact assessment screening report, the proposals at Tebay Southbound services are likely to include providing 95 more car parking spaces with 16 additional HGV spaces.
Plans also include the provision of a drive through facility at the existing petrol station and extending the existing facilities building by 30sq metres.
At the northbound services, the proposed development is likely to include demolishing and replacing a section of the existing facilities building, with the total size of the building increasing by 1,000sq m.
Plans add the existing pavilion dining areas which provide views of the duck pond will be kept.
The proposals also include increasing the number of car parking spaces by 30, with three additional HGV spaces.
According to planning documents there could be up to 690 parking spaces in total at the northbound and southbound services, of which 125 are earmarked for future electric vehicle provision.
Planning documents add a third environmental assessment for the construction of the solar farm.
If screening from the council identifies significant environmental effects an environmental impact assessment is necessary.