Plans have been revealed for a new 25-home estate in Appleby.
Atkinson Building Contractors and Home Group are applying to Eden Council for permission to build the social housing scheme on land at Westmorland Road.
A supporting planning statement provided by Edwin Thompson, which was commissioned to prepare designs for the planning application, outlined that the proposal will deliver a mixture of two and three-bedroom homes.
“The proposed development will provide sought after affordable housing and shared ownership dwellings,” the planning statement says.
Atkinson Building Contractors is a privately owned building company, based in Penrith, established over 40 years ago, while Home Group is a leading registered provider of social housing with 10,000 homes in Cumbria alone, including neighbouring stock.
The Westmorland Road site was formerly used for temporary infrastructure management facilities and offices, but has since been disused for a lengthy period of time, with remnants of concrete slabs, drains and manholes identifying its historic use.
Parking for every home would be provided to its front, side or rear, but largely to the front. A total of 50 parking spaces would be provided on the site, with an additional designated visitor spaces.
The statement added: “The emphasis has been to use traditional construction which is easily adaptable, and fitted with air source heat pump and solar PV technologies where suitable, to produce homes which are easy to operate now, and alter in line with future structural strategies.
“Civil and structural designs will be produced in accordance with industry standard codes, practices and guidelines, with designs also complying with any required house builder guarantees.
“This proposal looks to reduce carbon emissions through consideration of minimising energy demand, maximising thermal efficiency, maximising air-tightness, utilising masonry construction to maximise thermal mass and enabling occupants to understand energy consumption through smart metering and switches.
“There will also be the installation of air rated or flow regulators to taps and showers to minimise water consumption and installing dual flush toilets.”