A Penrith man will go on trial later this year after denying a charge of voyeurism.
Alex Nicholas Balcombe, 27, of Greystoke Park Avenue, faced two charges when he appeared at Carlisle Magistrates’ Court this morning.
One alleges voyeurism by the recording of a private act. Court papers show Balcombe is alleged to have done so with the intention of looking at the image for the purpose of sexual gratification, aware that the person being recorded did not consent to the recording.
A second charge alleges that Balcombe disclosed a private sexual photograph or film, without the consent of the woman appearing in it, with the intention of causing her distress.
Both charges arise out of incidents which are said to have occurred between July 21 and 28 last year.
Balcombe told a court clerk he understood the two charges, and that he was pleading not guilty to both.
He will now go on trial at the magistrates’ court on May 3. In the meantime he was granted conditional bail by the District Judge, John Temperley.