A Penrith man has appeared in court accused of making indecent images of children.
Matthew Peter David Chewter, 30, of Albert Street, faces a total of three charges.
Two allege the making of indecent photographs of a child, between December 31 2015 and January 19 2019.
One of these alleges that Chewter made four images classed in category A – the most serious – and a second that he made 14 in category C.
A third charge alleges the possession of an extreme pornographic image, between December 31 2015 and April 24 2020.
Court papers allege that the illicit material featured a “horse/dog”, and that it was grossly offensive, disgusting or otherwise of an obscene character.
Chewter was represented by lawyer Jeff Smith when he appeared at Carlisle Magistrates’ Court this morning.
No pleas were entered during a brief hearing in front of District Judge John Temperley, and Chewter’s case was sent to the city’s crown court.
He is due to appear there in front of a judge on April 13, and in the meantime was granted unconditional bail.