A firm best known for renovating social housing has expanded into the holiday let market.
PPM Ltd bought Armathwaite Manor for £1.55 million and has renovated the Grade II listed building to create luxury holiday lets.
Work has seen the main house split into three holiday lets, and plans are in the pipeline to convert three other buildings in the grounds.
Gordon McGregor is managing director of PPM Ltd and manages his own holiday cottages in Brampton.
A spokesman said: “With the current COVID situation and boom in staycations it seems a real positive step for the future for us.
“This new part of the company is run independently to our existing business but still under the PPM name.
“Going forward, the building development arm will allow us to venture into an array of construction projects across Cumbria and surrounding areas, creating jobs for local people and contributing to the local economy.”
Armathwaite Manor dates back to 1826 and PPM bought the property and began renovations last year.
The 36-acre estate in Armathwaite is on the banks of the River Eden and includes extensive parklands and woods.