People are being reminded that they can have their say about plans to pedestrianise part of Penrith at a drop-in session on Monday.
Cumbria County Council wants to revamp Corney Place by increasing pedestrian space, create a crossing and enhance the public realm as a gateway into the town centre.
As a result of this pedestrian improvement will mean that Corney Place will be one-way southbound.
Corney Place has been identified due to the increasing development north of the town centre and an increase in pedestrian traffic.
People can pop into the library between 3.45pm and 5.45pm on Monday, November 28, where plans will be on display, highlighting the proposed improvements in greater detail.
Cumbria County Council commissioned a transport improvements plan for Penrith to support Eden District Council’s Local Plan which looks at future development.
The transport plan identifies a range of improvements to the highway network that are required to support growth ambitions. These improvements are being delivered by Cumbria County Council in phases as and when development timescales are understood.
The consultation can also be accessed online, and people can leave feedback until December 9.
For further information about this project, please email
Councillor Keith Little, Cumbria County Council cabinet member for highways and transport, said: “We want to make Corney Place a safer area for pedestrians and residents, and would like input and feedback from the local community on our proposed plans
“We have arranged this drop-in session for Monday 28 November, and it is a little later in the day, to accommodate people leaving work.
“We would encourage the local community to either attend the drop-in session or complete the short survey online, so that we can listen to and understand all their views.”