A performance report at Eden District Council has highlighted its performance in light of COVID-19.
Eden District Council’s executive is meeting later this month to hear the corporate performance report for the second quarter of 2021/2022.
The report reveals that of the 55 council projects and activities set out in the Delivery Plan, 46 are on track, nine are close to target and no projects are off-target.
Cllr Virginia Taylor, Leader of Eden District Council, said: “Throughout the darkest days of COVID, our officers delivered all the additional and emergency tasks heaped upon them, like track and trace and processing business grants.
“At the same time, as this report demonstrates, they have been keeping up to scratch with the services that residents need and notice, like collecting rubbish, or providing housing and other support for those in need.
“It makes me very proud to be leader of a council delivering so well.
“The golden thread running through everything the council does is sustainability, whether of the environment, the economy, our town centres, the council’s own operations. Our officers will I know rise to the challenges of delivering old and new projects now, and I would like to thank them all once again.”
The council’s workforce performed strongly, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. Sickness absence remained under target and under the national average at just 1.76%. Staff turnover also remained under target at 6.4%, despite the significant One Eden restructure process now nearing its completion.
The council also had a strong performance in areas of its statutory responsibilities. Support for homelessness produced better preventative outcomes (89% of cases) when compared with the North West average (65%).
In the last quarter, four in every five minor planning applications were determined within eight weeks, and all but one major planning application was determined within 13 weeks.
‘My Account’, a new way for residents and businesses to manage a range of council services, contact the council and check information was successfully launched during the pandemic. The portal is available online, 24/7, at a time that is convenient for its users.
The quarterly report showed that nearly 3,000 customers signed up to this new digital service. For more information, or to sign up for My Account, visit www.eden.gov.uk/my-account.
A flagship of the council’s sustainability programmes, the Greening Eden Businesses programme helps local businesses to reduce their carbon emissions and save money at the same time.
With support from partners Cumbria Business Environment Network (CBEN) Partnership, 16 Carbon audits were completed in quarter two. CBEN will be offering practical and cost-effective advice following these audits on how to reduce emissions. For more information, visit www.eden.gov.uk/business-and-trade/greening-eden-businesses.
Eden’s Green Homes Grant (LAD) scheme can provide funding of up to £10,000 for a range of energy-saving measures in Eden households, such as solar panels, air-source heat pumps and home insulation.
In quarter two, 14 households in Eden benefitted from the scheme, with 42 measures fitted to improve energy efficiency. To find out more, including eligibility criteria, visit www.eden.gov.uk/green-homes-grant.