A day for Caroline allowed family, friends and colleagues to remember and celebrate the life of Caroline Evans, who died earlier this year.
Caroline was married to Tim Evans, was mum to Laura and Louisa, and the daughter of John and Lorna Sharpe, of Clifton. She had a huge circle of friends and was an inspirational leader and associate director of the local primary care trust.
She died on February 19 after a battle with cancer.
The day was hosted at Long Acre Barn wedding and events venue in Kings Meaburn, Caroline’s home village. It began with the overnight rain giving way to beautiful sunshine and more than 100 people undertaking a three-mile walk from Keld Farm along the banks of the Lyvennet — a route Caroline loved.
Back at Long Acre Barn, the numbers swelled to 150. “People travelled from the south, from Liverpool and from all over the county, many even leaving Kendal Calling to be with us,” said Tim.
“We were extremely grateful but not remotely surprised by the numbers – Caroline was wonderful and loved by everyone.”
After a lunch of sandwiches and cakes there was a raffle and auction in support of charities close to Caroline’s heart — Cancer Research UK, Penrith district nurses via Penrith Hospital League of Friends and the Calvert Trust.

“The numerous raffle and auction prizes donated were fantastic, ranging from a holiday in southern Ireland, meal vouchers, vouchers for photo shoots, a signed Formula 1 baseball cap, and loads more,” said Tim.
“The girls and I were stunned by how many prizes were given and how many tickets were sold, hundreds to people who could not even attend.”
Tim conducted an auction which saw the holiday raise £550 and the offer of a day in court with a “mystery” local barrister raising £80.
Bridget Mermikides, formerly Bridget Upson, of Penrith — a childhood friend of Caroline’s and a gifted classical guitarist — shared some memories of her and then played a gentle and moving piece called Birds Flew Over the Spire.
Middle Eden Voices, conducted by Barbara Gilbertson, performed a number of songs culminating with their arrangement of Sweet Caroline leaving not a dry eye in the house. The day continued in the sunshine outside the barn with her friends and family sharing memories and catching up.
“Myself and the girls are so grateful to Heidi Batey, Janet Addison and Lorna for organising this wonderful event,” added Tim, “to all who donated raffle and auction prizes and sold and bought tickets, and to Janet and Johnny Addison for providing such a wonderful venue.
“It was a truly fitting tribute to an absolutely wonderful woman who we all miss hugely.”
Nearly £3,500 was raised for the charities on the day.