A Cumbrian vicar has been jailed for child sex abuse after telling one victim he was doing “God’s will”.
Detectives have praised three brave sexual abuse survivors – one of which was just four years old – who saw their attacker jailed for 19 years on Friday.
The women, who were all children at the time of the historic attacks, showed enormous courage when they gave evidence against former vicar, Richard Landall, at Durham Crown Court.
The court heard how Landall used his position as a trusted member of the community as an Army padre and later a parish vicar to abuse the girls during incidents in the 1980s, 2004 and 2013.
The 64-year-old, of Lowther Street, Penrith, left the army to train to be a vicar in Durham, where he continued his abuse, telling one victim that God would be happy with her, and as a vicar, he was doing “God’s will”.
Despite being convicted of 12 counts of indecent assault and indecency with a child during an eight-day trial last month, the predator still denied his crimes and refused to show any remorse.
A pre-sentence report stated Landall poses, “a high risk of serious sexual and emotional harm to children” and Judge James Adkin jailed the predator for 19 years, with an extra four years’ extended licence period issued.
Detective Constable, Claire Trewick, who led the investigation, said: “This has been a long, drawn-out investigation involving three separate victims who were sexually abused from a young age by someone who they had put their trust in.
“The women, one of whom was just four years old at the time of the attacks, have been incredibly brave in giving evidence at court – something which they would have been spared if Landall had not arrogantly refused to accept his crimes. He has continued to lack any remorse.
“However, following the verdict, the women, all now adults, feel that justice has been served and that they can finally start to move on with their lives.”
DC Trewick also encouraged anyone who has suffered at the hands of Landall to come forward.
If you feel you have been affected, call police on 101, or 999 if you are in immediate danger.
Victims of rape and sexual assault can access help and support from services across Cumbria. Anyone can gain access to these services no matter how long ago the crime took place and whether the crime was reported to the police or not.
Each service offers tailored help to meet the victims wants and needs. The service user is in full control of the help they would like to receive. Available services are:
- South: The Birchall Trust, Barrow, offers On-to-one counselling; art and play therapy; sexual abuse awareness training and Protective Behaviours Workshops to survivors of rape and sexual abuse. The service is open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and can be contacted on 01229 820828 and enquiries@birchalltrust.org.uk.
- South: Women’s Community Matters, Barrow, can help with issues like domestic and sexual abuse, benefits and housing issues and mental wellbeing. They can also provide information on other services that can help you. They are open Monday 9.30am – 4pm, Tuesday 9.30am – 6pm, Wednesday 9.30am – 4pm, Thursday 9.30am – 6pm, Friday 9.30am – 1pm and can be reached on 01229 311102.
- West: Women Out West, Whitehaven, can provide emotional support and advice on domestic abuse. They can also provide information on other services that can help you. They are open, Monday to Friday 9.30 – 2.30pm on 01946 550103.
- North: Safety Net, Carlisle, provides counselling to survivors and help with practical issues that support recovery including family support, criminal justice and family court, employment, training, education, housing and finances. Safety Net is open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, and can be contacted by phone on 01228 515 859 or email at office@safetynetuk.org
- North: Gateway 4 Women, Carlisle, provides support on issues like domestic abuse, mental wellbeing, homelessness, housing etc. and can also provide information on other domestic and sexual abuse services. They are open Monday – Thursday 9.30am – 4.30pm, Friday 9.30am – 1.00pm. They can be called on 01228 212090
- Cumbria-wide: The Bridgeway offers emotional and practical support, emergency contraception and access to screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, medical examination and collection of forensic evidence, referral onto counselling and/or other support services, support in making a report to the police, if that’s what you want, follow-up support. Their helpline 0808 118 6432 can be used 24/7 or email on info@bridgeway.org.uk with all other services by appointment.
- Cumbria-wide: Victim support Cumbria, Mon – Fri, 9am-6pm and can be reached on 0300 303 0157. The national 24/7 helpline is 0808 1689 111. Victim Support can help with any time of crime including sexual assault and rape and give advice that is completely private. Victim Support can also provide an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor who provides victims a tailored support plan to help them cope and recover. If you cannot speak, Victim Support also has a 24/7 online chat on their website, victimsupport.org.uk