A Year 9 student at Penrith Queen Elizabeth Grammar School has this week received a positive test result for COVID-19.
This follows on from a Year 11 pupil at the town’s Ullswater Community College who tested positive for coronavirus last week.
QEGS was informed yesterday that the pupil, who had been sent home at lunchtime on Tuesday, had tested positive for coronavirus.
Assistant headteacher Rob Dawson, in a statement to students, parents and teachers, said: “All of the close contacts of the student from Monday and Tuesday have been quickly traced and isolated. The affected students and their families have been informed, and the school has been in contact with the public health authorities.
“The procedures we have in place again worked effectively, and we were able to deal with this situation quickly and efficiently.
“No further students are affected, and there is no need for families to contact school.”
Last week, a Year 11 student at Ullswater Community College was confirmed to have tested positive for COVID-19.
Headteacher Stephen Gilby said they were able to quickly implement their well-planned procedure, which complies with government and PHE recommendations.
Students who may have been in close proximity to the student were contacted and told they were required to isolate for 14 days, as had any staff who were also in close contact.
“In addition to our usual measures, we have also sought further clarification and advice from Public Health England, who have confirmed they are happy with the measures we have put in place following recent events.
“Let me take this opportunity to thank all the members of our community for their continued support; in particular the students, who continue to impress with their mature and responsible approach to these challenging times,” said Mr Gilby.