A Cumbrian charity is staging an event in a bid to help ease the county’s care crisis.
The Northern Fells Group is holding a Care Fair on March 22 at Caldbeck parish hall to help people find out what services and social care is available in the area.
The event will also highlight how the charity’s services can help people – and how they can get involved with it.
Organised by the group, Cumbria Community Catalysts and the Dementia Action Alliance, there will also be advice on how people can start their own enterprise, making a living providing care and support within their local community.
Among those taking part will be Age UK, West Cumbria Carers, Alzheimer’s UK, Cumbria Action for Sustainability, CAB, living well coaches and many others.
The Northern Fells Group serves 3,700 residents spread over 200 square miles of rural and often remote areas of the north of the county.
The charity, backed by Prince Charles, has played a vital role over the past 18 months in maintaining community life in a sparsely populated region of the county where many live in isolated areas.
Chairman Geoff Hine said: “The Northern Fells Group is always looking for areas of need in our community and how we might offer support.
“When we heard about the Community Catalyst initiative we were excited because it had such a close fit with many of our other services, particularly our support for the Northern Fells Dementia Action Alliance.
“I am delighted that so many other organisations are partnering with us.
“As we open up more and more, there is a lot of rebuilding of community resource links to be done and we look forward to welcoming the needy, the concerned and the curious.”
Community enterprise catalyst Becky Goddard added: “The Community Catalyst project is a new and exciting initiative, delivered in partnership with Cumbria County Council, supporting local people to set up and run their own small enterprise offering help and support at home for older or disabled people.
“We run a free development programme which can offer a friendly and supportive point of contact to explore your ideas, give you practical information on regulation, training and opportunities in the health and social care sector.”
The event runs from 11am to 2pm. All welcome, free refreshments.