Pupils from Lowther Endowed Primary School enjoy waving at passengers on the weekly 106 bus when it passes by — but they were not expecting it to unexpectedly stop.
Off stepped Shirley Silvester who handed a staff member an envelope. She then reboarded and waved at everyone as the bus went on its way.
Inside the envelope was a heartfelt card, thanking the children for waving every week as the bus passed.
She said it made her so happy and now all the bus passengers wave, too. The letter said someone had been kind to her recently and returned her lost purse.
Keen to pass the kindness on, she gave a donation to buy something for school. The staff and children were delighted and very moved.
Headteacher Carla Weild said: “It was one of the most heartwarming things that has happened since I can remember.
“When she said it reminded her of the Railway Children and it brightened her week up, we had the idea of making a thank you banner at after school club.”