Appleby mayor Gareth Hayes has praised workers carrying out resurfacing work around the town’s road bridge over the River Eden and says the scheme needed to be done.
However, some traders have been more critical of the project, saying their businesses have suffered a major hit as a result.
Mr Hayes admits there has been some disruption to trade during the scheme, particularly when the bridge was closed for five days, but stresses that this was inevitable.
“We’ve been asking for the roads to be repaired for five years,” he said. “If we have nice, sound roads it gives the town a better aesthetic. It also makes the roads safer, which can only be good.
“There has been inevitable disruption and the loss of some retail, but we had advance notice and the relationship with the workers has been splendid. They have given updates every day and been helpful to motorists and pedestrians, and the diversions have worked quite well.”
Mr Hayes acknowledged that some of the diversions had been very long — round by Penrith in the case of HGVs — but pointed out that such large vehicles should not be passing through Appleby at all.
He added: “It’s been a job well done and generally we’re pleased. We’re dealing with grown-ups here who understand that this was necessary.”
Nigel Milsom, owner of the Tufton Arms Hotel, at Market Square, said he did suffer some loss of trade during the bridge closure, but added that the work was done at the best time of year for him, before the main visitor season.
He also praised the attitude of the people carrying out the resurfacing, saying they had been as helpful as they could.
Town councillor Hugh Potts said: “These lads have done well — they’ve helped people get over the road and let people drive through when they could.
“They’ve done an excellent job in a short space of time.”
There is due to be another half-day closure of the bridge, probably towards the end of the coming week but possibly sooner if the work progresses quickly.
- How have you coped with the roadworks in Appleby? Let us know – email nicoler@barrnonmedia.com