A total of 567 long term empty properties have been identified in Eden.
Judith Derbyshire, Eden’s housing and health portfolio holder, told a meeting of the district council’s cabinet that it was really frustrating that there were empty homes in Eden.
“It is really annoying, but I know from conferences I have attended in the past when I have worked in housing, that each empty home is empty for a different reason,” she said.
However, quite often all an empty house needs is some work doing to it to get it up to a better standard and be brought back to use.
Mrs Derbyshire said funding was available and the process had been simplified and made more accessible so more people fit the criteria.
“We haven’t got a big pot of money available, it is only about £30,000, but we could spend that by £5,000 per property, and might only do six properties, but it would be great to get even six back,” said Mrs Derbyshire.
This funding is subject to certain criteria – namely it needs to be used to bring properties which have been empty for two years or more up to a good standard.
Properties are to be free of class one hazards and must be reoccupied within six months of grant funds being claimed.
Mrs Derbyshire is asking residents to tell Eden about properties which need some money spending on them and for parish councils to help the council identify properties where the district authority could work with owners of empty properties to bring them back into use.