Planning applications submitted to Westmorland and Furness Council for the Eden area
Alston: Full application for variation of condition 4 (wardens caravan) to update the approved plans with the current location of the wardens caravan; and discharge of conditions 9 (caravan colour and finish) and 10 (landscaping), attached to appeal approval APP/H0928/W/22/3297896, LPA ref 22/0090. Horse and Wagon Caravan Park, Nentsbury, Alston, CA9 3LH. For G Miller, Horse and Wagon Country Park (23/0313).
Dacre: Tree works comprising: T1 monkey puzzle, fell to ground level; T2 Wellingtonia, dead wood management and removal of wind damaged and crossed over limbs; T3 yew, crown reduction in order to bring its extent more in proportion with the setting and to move the overall shape towards a more symmetrical form. Typically reduction will involve pruning 1m to 1.5m from dense lateral and apical growth that currently has a spread of 3m to 6m. Keld Head House, Old Keld Head, Stainton, Penrith, CA11 0EQ. For Suzanne Wiles, Keld Head House (23/0341).
Hesket: Full application for change of use of annex to create self contained holiday let, suitable for disabled access. Holme View, Plumpton, Penrith, CA11 9NP. For Mr and Mrs Harrington, Holme View (23/0291).
Langwathby: Full application for variation of condition 2 (plans compliance) for design modifications and reorientation of plot 4, attached to approval 20/0087. Land at Eden View, Langwathby, Penrith, CA10 1NH. For JIW Properties Ltd — Mr Wilkinson, Fairacre House, Temple Sowerby, Penrith, CA10 1RZ.
Penrith: Full application for formation of salt spreader vehicle wash bay. Highways Depot, Skirsgill, Penrith, CA11 0DN. For Kier Highways — Graham Porter, Agricultural Hall, Penrith, CA11 0DN (23/0293).
Penrith: Tree works in conservation area to fell holly tree. 45 Wordsworth Street, Penrith, CA11 7QY. Dr Phillipa Berman, 45 Wordsworth Street (23/0321).
Penrith: Tree works comprising: Pine subject to TPO — prune back low branch overhanging the bin store by 2-3m; pine subject to TPO — prune back building face of building by 2m and shape in, remove major deadwood. Brackenber Court, Musgrave Street, Penrith, CA11 9AT. For Kathryn Messenger-Anchor Hanover, Brackenber Court (23/0333).
Soulby: Full application for addition of rear sunroom extension. Syke Side Farm, Sikeside Lane, Soulby, Kirkby Stephen, CA17 4PJ. For Diane Chapman, Sykeside Farm (23/0325).
Soulby: Full application for proposed two-storey side extension. Overdale, Soulby, Kirkby Stephen, CA17 4PL. For Mr and Mrs D Birkbeck, Overdale (23/0317).
Temple Sowerby: Full application for retention of solar panels fitted flush with roof tiles. Grange Cottage, Temple Sowerby, Penrith, CA10 1SB. For Robin Witchell, Grange Cottage (23/0289).
Planning applications submitted to the Lake District National Park Authority
Helton: Full application for erection of new double garage, removal of trees, new driveway and minor changes to front and rear facades. Lowside Cottage, Helton, Penrith, CA10 2QA. For Mr M Blaney, Lowside Cottage (7/2023/3075).
Helton: Full application for proposed alterations and extension. Low Moss, Helton, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 2QA. For Robyn Henderson, Low Moss (7/2023/3072).
Pooley Bridge: Full application for alterations and extensions to an existing dwelling, replacement store/ ancillary accommodation and associated landscape works. Roe Head Farm, Pooley Bridge, Penrith, CA10 2LT. For Mr and Mrs R Pomphrett, Roe Head Farm (7/2023/3010).