Are you one of the record number of people in Eden currently waiting for hospital treatment?
There are currently 27,267 patients listed as waiting for elective operations or treatment at the Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle and the Whitehaven’s West Cumberland Hospital – up from 26,665 from the previous month.
If you’re one of those people queuing for treatment then the Cumberland & Westmorland Herald would like to hear from you for a special report we’re writing.
Across England, the number of people waiting to start hospital treatment rose to 4.95 million – the highest total since records began in August 2007.
It’s estimated that more than 10 per cent of the people on North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust’s waiting list have been waiting for more than a year.
NHS rules state that patients referred for non-urgent treatments under the care of a consultant should start within 18 weeks but the Covid-19 has caused a bottle neck that could take years to clear.
- Are you one of the people on the hospital waiting list? Is your life on hold while you await treatment? The Cumberland & Westmorland Herald would like to hear from you. Contact reporter Oliver Tallis at or call 01768 861216