New speed restrictions, one-way traffic and parking bans are all to be put in place as part of a new traffic management plan published for Appleby horse fair, which gets under way next week.
The multi agency strategic co-ordinating group (MASCG) for the annual gypsy and traveller fair has published the updated plan, designed to minimise the impact on the highways network during the various phases of the event.
Since 2011, a permanent Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) has been in operation to maintain road safety in the lead up to and throughout the duration of the fair.
New measures under the TRO include 30mph speed restrictions in Appleby to reduce traffic speeds in heavily pedestrianised areas where motorists would normally be able to travel at higher speeds. A one-way traffic restriction on the Boroughgate side road in Appleby, restricting southbound traffic, will also be in effect. This follows concerns about competing vehicle and horse access to the post office and market hall area of the town.
A prohibition of parking restriction is in place along the U3219 at Murton, following concerns raised by the parish council about inappropriate parking on the village green during the 2023 fair. Posts and signage have been installed to prevent the issue reoccurring during this year’s fair.
Bunding has been introduced as a trial on the verge alongside the A685, between Kirkby Stephen and Winton to address safety concerns caused by limited clear visibility for motorists and the associated risk to encampments, if they were to form in the area.
A new footway and temporary pedestrian guardrail has also been installed on the road known as the “Flashing Lane” to improve pedestrian safety for fair goers and the community.
Temporary traffic calming measures will be introduced to address concerns raised by police and the RSPCA about the excessive speeds of some horses and sulkies travelling to and from the centre of Appleby between Salt Tip Corner and the Station Road junction.
This will also improve management of the traffic within that congested area. Restriction measures will be introduced at the Appleby Leisure Centre car park, maintaining residential access, but preventing illegal overnight parking.
Some of the posts at the side of Burrells Road have been removed to facilitate encampments that do not affect driver visibility, but posting has been installed around the bend, which is not a safe stopping place. Signage on the A683 has also been improved to warn of slow-moving vehicles.
Westmorland and Furness Council’s traffic management (Eden) and TTRO team leader, Laura McClellan, said: “The improvements to this year’s traffic management plan address issues raised over previous years and are intended to make the highway safe for all its users during the fair.
“Following concerns about a lack of on-street enforcement at the 2022 fair, Westmorland and Furness Council reassessed their civil enforcement patrols for the 2023 fair, which had a positive impact and we aim to continue this going forward.
“In addition to all the improvements, the 40mph speed restriction on Powis Lane and temporary road closure outside The Midland, from its junction with Clifford Street to its junction with Station Road, will be in operation again for the 2024 fair, both of these measures were introduced for the 2022 fair and were viewed to have been a success.
“A particular safety message we’re keen to promote is that pedestrians must not attempt to board, or jump from moving vehicles at any time.”