Outline plans for up to 100 new homes in an Eden district town have been approved.
Eden District Council have approved outline plans for the construction of up to 100 new homes in Appleby.
Being outline permission, further, more detailed plans will have to be submitted to the authority for approval before construction can begin.
The plans had been submitted by Heyford Developments, for new homes on land off Station Road, to the north east of Appleby.
In total, the proposed new housing development would cover 3.22 hectares. Vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle access to the site will be from Station Road.
The plans submitted to Eden District Council add: “New pedestrian footpaths will provide links to the wider area and offer a safer and more convenient route beyond the A66.”
Places for cycle parking have also been included in the plans.
It is proposed that there will be be a “network of green infrastructure” as part of the development, including space marked out for a potential play area.
“Open space and informal pedestrian routes will be located on the doorstep of the majority of dwellings, supporting healthy and sustainable, lifestyles” the plans add.