An Eden school has made a rapid turnaround to be graded as good in all areas by Ofsted after a previous inspection identified weaknesses.
Kirkby Stephen Grammar School was described as harmonious with some pupils’ experience of school now transformed.
Ofsted returned to the school in January, after a 2022 inspection rated it inadequate.
This time, they graded Kirkby Stephen’s overall effectiveness as good with the same judgement in the individual areas of quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and sixth form provision.
Ofsted said the 350-pupil school, had taken determined and effective action to successfully tackle identified weaknesses, with praise for its trustees for expertly supporting the school while also holding it to account.
The school has welcomed and benefited from support provided by external partners. Inspectors added: “As a result, many aspects of the school are stronger than at the time of the previous inspection.”
The report found:
- Pupils benefit from strong relationships with ‘knowledgeable’ teachers who know them well. Strong pastoral support underpins pupils’ positive experience.
- Reading is a top priority with those who find it difficult supported so they become ‘fluent and accurate’, transforming their school experience because they can access the curriculum more readily.
- The school has high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Pupils, including those with special educational needs or disabilities, achieve well.
- There is a harmonious atmosphere in school. Sixth form students act as excellent role models for younger pupils.
- A well thought out and coherent programme enhances pupils’ personal development and the school supports pupils well in their decisions about next steps.
The report concluded: “Change has happened apace but, alongside this, the school has considered staff’s workload. (Staff) appreciate the positive difference recent changes have made to everyone in the school community.”
Headteacher Gary Hartley welcomed the report which he said recognised the considerable efforts of everyone involved to create the right environment for young people to succeed.
He said: “This is a good school and, as the report rightly identifies, our pupils here are safe, happy and respectful towards each other and to staff.
“What is pleasing is that improvements we as a school community have made were picked up on in the report and I’d like to thank our staff,
trustees, supporters and, of course, our pupils and students for their enthusiasm and dedication to getting us where we are today.”
Chair of governors, Phil Dew, said: “The success of the Ofsted inspection has been the result of a concerted effort on the part of everyone involved, and I’m delighted that the school is now back on a firm footing which is where it deserves to be.”